Monday 26 March 2018


The trendy generation is addicted to the usage of the digital gadgets ,which is cited as the cause for their increased risk of visual disorders. It is common for the individuals to hold jobs as computer workers but people rely on these platforms for entertainment, news, and even social updates from friends.
In the current scenario 253 million people live with vision impairment and 36 million are blind and 217 million have moderate to severe vision impairment .It is usual to find that people t the age 50 have severe visual impairments and 81% of these age group becomes blind annually.
Apart from these issues,chronic eye diseases are the main reason for vision loss. The two main reasons for the vision impairment is reported as Uncorrected refractive errors and untreated cataract .Untreated cataract remains the leading cause of blindness in low- and middle-income countries. Yet by efforts and advancement in the field of Optometry and Vision Science have reduced more Ocular disorders and diseases. The infectious eye diseases, such as trachoma and onchocerciasis, have reduced significantly over the last 5years and sure that  about over80% of all vision impairment can be prevented or cured.

Importance and Scope:

Optometry 2018 will be International platform to share the Advancements in the field of optometry and the Vision Science.The new era begins with recent technologies making impossibles as possibles. The Ocular diseases effectively treated with Ocular Drug Delivery advances.The various perspectives regarding the Optometry are discussed

Why Rome?

Rome is the capital city of Italy,and has the population of about 2,688,000 within the area of 1502 sq km (580 sq mi).It is located inland about 27 kilometers (17 miles) from the Tyrrhenian Sea and has been serviced by  two international airports making it an attractive tourist spot.The latest figures indicate that close to 60 million people visit Italy every year. Romans consider social life and interaction as important feature as the success in business and social lives are all regarded more favorably than individual assertiveness. In the current scenario academic institutions and educational centers near Rome include Istituto Guglielmo Tagliacarne, Istituto Quasar Design school, John Cabot University, Pontifical Athanaeum Regina Apostolorum, Pontifical University of Saint Bonaventure, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, and more. Istituto D’Istruzione Vittorio Alfieri Roma well reputed eye institue.

Why to attend?

Optometry 2018 put forwards the motto of sharing a wide knowledge by this gathering in the advancements and leads support to the well being of the patients and improved professional ethics for the professionals and lessening the constrains making the vision enlightened .

Major Associations around the world :

1) Federottica- optometry association in italy
2) The World Council of Optometry (WCO)
3) American Optometric Association (AOA)
4) The Association of Optometrists (AOP)
5) Optometrists Association Australia(OAA)
6) Indian Optometric Association (IOA)
7) The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry (ASCO)
8) National  Optometric Associations (NOA)
9) Michigan Optometric Associations (MOA)
10) Vision Sciences society(VSS)
11) Florida Optometric Association(FOA)
12) The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology(ARVO)
13) The Association of Vision Science Librarians
14) Association For Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (AOPT)
15) Kentucky Optometric Association(KOA)
16) Macular Degeneration Association (MDA)
17) International Glaucoma Association(IGA)
18) American Association for Pediatric ophthalmology(AAPO)
19) European Association for Vision and Eye Research(EVER)
20) Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired of Northern New York (ABVINNY)
21) The International Council of Ophthalmology(ICO)
22) American Ophthalmological Society(AOS)
23) European Society of Ophthalmology(SOE)
24) The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness-IAPB
25) Retina France Associations(RFA)
26) European Society of Cataract &Refractive Surgeons(ESCRS)
27) European Society Of Ocular and Surface Disease Specialists(EuCornea)
28) International Society of Ocular Trauma(ISOT)

Top Universities in Italy

1. University of Florence
2. University of Milano-Bicocca[38]
3. University of Padua, Italy [39]
4. University of Naples Federico II
5. University of Roma Tre
6. University of Salento[40]
7. University of Turin

Optometric Market Value in Italy:

Revenue from Optical  market  generated  amounts to US$7,112m in 2018. The market is expected to grow annually by 0.8 %. Considering the total population figures, per person revenues of US$117.67 are obtained in 2018.

Blindness Caused by the Ocular Diseases:
The causes of blindness are reported is analyzed  as expected, POAG was the main cause , whereas PACG accounted for rare cases. Glaucoma patients frequently had other eye diseases determining blindness high myopia , retinal detachment , and corneal defects . When the analysis was targeted to eyes that converted to blindness during the study, similar data were found with the exception of a lower prevalence of trauma, retinal degeneration and corneal defects.this analysis also widely helped to evaluate frequency, conversion rate, and risk factors for blindness in glaucoma patients treated in European Universities. Blindness by glaucoma had two characteristics they are late diagnosis and  late referral, and progression of the disease despite in most cases. Yet the advancement  in glaucoma treatment could overcome these  issues.

Employment Growth for Optometrists:
Optometrist are previously known as opticians, they are trained to examine the eyes and detect defects in vision, signs of injury, ocular diseases or abnormality in eyes, caused by high blood pressure or diabetes. They offer clinical advice, prescribe contact lenses and refer patients for further treatment, when required.  Optometrists  should be a graduate of university for least three years and must indulge in  clinical training practices, before being deemed to have the knowledge and skills to be registered. As the field of Optometry has a wide growth it offers great opportunities for the optometrists. This line chart details the projected employment growth for Optometrist.This profession is expected to grow faster than 6.5% comparing other professions.

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